Organisation du covoiturage pour l'événement

Organisé par Claudie LE MEUR BOURDON

Crée le 28 mai 2024


Image de l'événement

I3S Congress: International Symposium on Salmonella and Salmonellosis

Since 1992, the I3S Congress on Salmonella and Salmonellosis has been a cornerstone event in the global health community, initially founded by researchers from the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES).
Organized every three years in France, in the beautiful region of Brittany, the congress calls the charming seaside city of Saint-Malo its home.
The organizing committee of this scientific congress is composed of: ANSES, INNOZH, Institut Pasteur, INRAE and Santé Publique France.

Our congress has remained steadfast in its commitment to advancing scientific knowledge, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, and catalyzing actionable solutions to combat the pervasive threat of Salmonella and salmonellosis.

Salmonella remains a significant public health concern worldwide, impacting both human and animal populations, plants, and the environment. Through collaborative efforts and innovative approaches, we aim to deepen our understanding of this pathogen, including its occurrence, traceability from farm to fork, standards, methods, evolutionary genomics, mechanisms of infection, antimicrobial resistance, and its impact on public health. Risk assessment tools and effective strategies for prevention and control are key priorities.

The I3S Congress embodies the spirit of camaraderie and innovation in public health research. It continues to serve as a platform for fruitful discussions, knowledge exchange, and networking opportunities among esteemed scientists from diverse backgrounds. We anticipate lively debates, enlightening presentations, and the forging of new collaborations that will contribute to the advancement of science and the improvement of global health. Together, let us work towards a future where salmonellosis is better understood, managed, and ultimately controlled.

Début de l'événement : Le 23 juin 2025 à 08h00

Fin de l'événement : Le 25 juin 2025 à 13h00

Lieu de l'événement : 1 Quai Duguay-Trouin, Saint-Malo, France

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